Well it feels like it here anyway!!! We're off to a VW show for the weekend, but it happens to be our club xmas do too so the vans been decorated....
The costumes have been packed....
And I've cooked enough stuffing balls for 70 people!!!
Otherwise this week its been busy on the college / work front and I've been teaching my kids to cook! First raisin oat cookies then last night they did a veg risotto!!!! I'm amazed at their chopping skills so young!! I can't think of anything worse than not learning to cook at home but sadly its not as common these days :(
How wonderful that you are teaching your little ones to cook, and sadly you are right that doesn't happen as much these days.
I am forever grateful to our mum who taught us girls to cook and knit before we even were old eough to go to school.
Hope you enjoyed the weekend! More camper-van goodiness is ready for you from your swap partner but we don't have your postal address. Please drop me an email to : info(at)jellybelly-jellybrain(dot)co(dot)uk
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